
Showing posts with the label EHX

Happy New Gear

I wish I had something clever to say, but I don't.

Thinning the Heard and Erasing Questionable Purchases

Pedals are heard. Get it? I had mentioned awhile back that I picked up a quartet of pedals without having tested them first, only to find that two of them didn't work.  It wasn't a huge deal, because I think that $40 a piece for the two pedals that did work was ok, but it still bothered me as the initial feeling of being suckered was slow to wear off. Pictured: Pedals. Also, Sweet Potato. Prior to this, I had purchased a mostly working Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal ($70), which I was keen to get rid of.  I posted it, along with the Boss OD-2, the MXR Phase 90, the Big Muff (listed as broken) and the two Danelectro food series pedals pictured above. For those keeping score at home, that's $150 on the aforementioned pedals. Since then, I've sold the HM-2 and the broken Big Muff for $90, and just returned from selling the MXR Phase 90 for $60. In case you are arithmetically challenged: That's $150, and I still have the Boss Turbo Overdrive and the Danelectro ...

Eastern Glass Pucks

A visit from my brother last weekend afforded us the chance to A/B some pedals from each our our collections.  Or particular interest to me was the EHX East River Drive, a Tube Screamer clone that apparently had help from Analog Man. We ran both through the Fender 68 DRRI and used an Eric Johnson Rosewood Stratocaster. Comparing it to the Fulltone Fulldrive 2 and the Noah Sark Green, the EHX was really good .  Clearer in the midrange than the Sark, with a bit more of an edge on top than the Fulldrive. If you ever wanted to hear how Screamers could sound different, compare the EXH to another clone. Pictured Somewhere - All the pedals mentioned. The second comparison we took a stab at was the JHS Angry Charlie and the Boss Power Driver. Still running into the Fender, but this time using humbucker equipped guitars, it was really shocking how close the latter could get to the former.  With the Boss, anything above 12 o'clock on the gain compressed too much, bu...

New Pedal Day: EHX Big Muff Nano and Boss PW-3 Wah

Trading is always better than selling.

The $50 Dollar Challenge

I've returned from vacation in much the same way I typically do - with more cash in my pocket than I typically carry around.  First world problems, right? It got me thinking: What could I buy with the actual cash I had on me? With $52 dollars burning a hole in my pocket, I turned to Kijiji to see what I could acquire, with the only rules being that I couldn't spend a cent more than I had, and that the location had to be convenient - near home or work, or on the way between. Below is the what I found with a quick search of everything within 40K of my the mid-point of my commute. TC Electronic Mojo Drive - $45 Do I really need another overdrive?  Probably not, especially given that I have a Joyo Ultimate Drive in the mail, but this is still interesting.  Is it a Tubescreamer clone?  Based on the PGS video , this seems to be somewhere in between a TS9 and and OCD.  Pass. Boss Metal Core - $40 I bought a Metal Zone for $30 for a laugh, and despite...