Back from the home of Nuno - Updates

I went to Portugal - specifically the birthplace of Nuno Bettencourt.

No, that wasn't why I went, though there was a signed N2 in a glass case at the airline office in the middle of town.  Nobody seemed to care.

I also did not take a picture of said guitar, so here is Nuno instead,
looking Portuguese-y

Doesn't matter though, because this isn't a post about a trip to Portugal.  We're here to talk about guitars and amps dammit, so let's get back in the saddle.

An aside: I wonder why "back in the saddle" is a thing.  Something to do with bull riders spending 16 months in traction and finally getting "back in the saddle", only to spend the following 17 months in traction?

Guitars though, right.  Focus.

Some updates to get us going.

The Marshall DS1

I can't believe that in 20 years of playing this is the first Marshall I've owned.  I've grown to love this amp - the more I use it the more I'm finding subtle variations in tone with just the gain knob.  I'm not saying this is anywhere near as dynamic as the Maz 38 I once owned, but for a "practice" amp it doesn't get much better if you ask me.

Unsurprisingly, I think my increased enjoyment of the amp continues to be about speaker break in.  I found the clean channel unusable - too much bass and no character.  Months later the speaker is handling the bass with grace (terrible) and I'm finding it useful.  I might just have to add a cheap delay to that FX loop.

The Contemporary Stratocaster

Is the honeymoon over?  Pretty much. I still love the look, and like the fact that it is the only guitar I own with a "story" or sorts, but I never, ever play it.

Check that - I just picked it up and had a little jam session with my daughter... and popped the high e... again.

Well, not yet anyway...

In order to hang the damn thing on the wall, I need to unlock that nut.  Doing that works the strings harder than they should be, and sure enough... POP.  Need to stop at the music store and buy some extra high e strings.
Still pretty.

I guess if I keep it I'll resign myself to keeping it locked down and displaying it on a single stand rather than on the wall.  Still, with the EJ Strat being my first choice, this remains the most likely candidate to be swapped for something else.  I did get an offer for a Flying V awhile ago...  REPOSTED!!!

Are you going to come my way?

Epiphone Les Paul Standard

I still don't love it, but damn if the "Les Paul into a Marshall" isn't a thing - even if it is an Epiphone.

Does the headstock matter?  Yes.  Yes it does.
This guitar has become dangerous, because it's making me think that but for a few trades in the right direction a Les Paul of the Gibson variety could find itself into the collection.  Maybe something in Sea Foam Green?

In any case, I'm really pleased with this one.  $250 with a case is hard to beat for this guitar.  My attitudes on Epiphone have shifted slightly, but only if you're buying used.  $800 for this would be ridiculous Les Paul Studio money.


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