What's a Strat Worth?

The longer you've been buying and selling used instruments, the more likely you are to have a pretty set idea of what common instruments are worth. These are the indicators of where the market it at.
  • An Fender American Standard Stratocaster or Telecaster is worth between $700 and $900
  • A Gibson Les Paul Studio (not faded) is worth between $800 and $1000
  • A Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue is worth between $700 and $900
  • A Fender Mexican Standard Stratocaster is worth between $300 and $400

This list is about as close to sacrosanct as it gets if you ask me - anything posted below those values is a great deal, anything above worthy of suspicion.

Recently, I've noticed a pretty major inflation in prices, especially in regards to Fender. A weak Canadian dollar, combined with a Fender price hike, is leading people to conclude that their guitars are worth much more than they are.

Here's a great example - a 2010 American Standard Strat in Olympic White with a Rosewood fret board. The seller included a number of pictures, and the guitar is in great condition. We'll get to the price in a second...

When I bought my used Eric Johnson Stratocaster at the Guitar Shop, I A/B'd it against this exact guitar. While rosewood to maple is not exactly a fair comparison, I wasn't sure about the maple neck on the EJ, having spent so many years on rosewood. I decided that if the Standard felt better, I'd just go with it (being new and cheaper).

Now, I'm not going to pretend it was close - it wasn't - but that's not to say the Standard was a bad guitar. The pickups were nice, the neck was great. American Series/Standard necks since 2000 are seriously underrated if you ask me.

The problem? The poster wants $1200. Sorry, but that's just too rich for anyone. Here's why:

2012 Fender American Standard - $1200

For the same scratch as above, you can get a "so new it has the stickers on it" Stratocaster in a color you can't typically get on a Standard - Shoreline gold. You'll see in the pic that the seller is including all the case candy - wow. Makes me wonder if there's anything I'd be willing to part with to pick this up (sadly, no). This color doesn't come around too often.

Classic Series Lacquer Stratocaster - $825

From the "guitars I sold but shouldn't have" file, I recall my CIJ 62 Stratocaster Reissue with Texas Specials. Bought it in Japan, brought it back with me... and then sold it. Idiot. All the idiot. This guitar is close to that, but sporting a lacquer finish (instead of poly) and minus the Texas Specials. Now, Texas Specials are special pickups. That can't be understated, no matter how lame that sounds. Pickups can be changed, finishes cannot. Having owned guitars with both lacquer and poly finishes, I'll tell you without hesitation that the difference is night and day in favour of nitro. Considering this comes with a tweed case, this represents great value. Would I sell my Studio to bring this home...?

1986 MIJ Paisley Telecaster - $1200

No, this isn't a Stratocaster. Who cares. For the same ask as the first Strat we talked about, you could have this machine. I think $1200 is a little steep for this, but in comparison I'd much rather have a guitar with some history. Also paisley.

1997 Fender Stratocaster Plus 

If there has been a consistent desire for the last 6 months or so, it's been for a Strat Plus. LSR roller nut, lace sensor pickups, locking tuners.

The pinnacle of "modern Strat" outside Anderson and Suhr if you ask me (and even then Suhr strikes me as leaning too vintage). This example is going for a hair under $1300, so there's no comparison between this and the American Standard.

This is one that I would sell to fund, save for it being located over 500km from me.

Here's another one, same deal model, even better finish. Slightly more scratch at $1500. Still a better buy, but even more hours away.


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