Fender Custom Shop '57 Paisley Stratocaster

Went to the local Long and McQuade during lunch this week, and apart from a couple of cool Gretsch Electromatics and an Epiphone Dot in CAR rather than Cherry, there was something special in the "expensive" section.

Side note: Played one of those Charvel San Dimas Guitars.  Maple fingerboard GLUED to maple neck?!?!?!  That aside, not for me by a long shot.

A Fender Custom Shop '57 relic with "Ancho Poblano" pickups.  Yes please.

Oh my....
Couple of comments and then I'll leave you to oogle.
  1. "Ancho Poblano" Pickups - Fender's attempt to replace Abigail Ybarra? Yes I understand "Ancho Poblano" isn't a person - probably by design.  Also, if you don't know who Ms. Ybarra is, you should.
  2. Revisionist History - Paisley was introduced in the 60's, not the 50's.  Painting over a paisley would mean solid pink at the edges.  Does any of this matter?  Not. One. Bit.
  3. No Rust - the bridge saddles were pretty clean, unlike some other relics I've seen.  I get the vibe of the relic look, and very much dig it.  I don't however, dig the rust that impedes functionality, feels gritty, and gets everything dirty.
  4. Price Drag - that price is insane.  I'm sure if I dared to take it off the wall and strum a bit it wouldn't be worth over seven grand, right?
If only money were no object.

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