Another One That (Thankfully) Got Away

Sometimes, the best triggers are the ones you don't pull.

In my last post, I talked about setting my sights on a new amp - something a bit bigger and more suited for my new space.  Also GAS, because always GAS.

Not long after I posted, another amp came up that caught my attention - A Mesa/Boogie Subway Blues Combo.  A 20 watt, single channel, 1x10 combo, it seemed the perfect fit for my desires.

Plus it matches the living room decor!

The catch?

Price.  Always the damn price of things.

The seller had listed for $790, which in my mind was a bit high.  Sure, the amp is in good condition, and yes, it is out of production, but when compared to what else was available*, this seemed a bit much.

*Not far from this posting, both on the page and on the earth, was a first generation Fender Hot Rod Deluxe in decent, if overly sticker-ed, condition with a brand new MIM Telecaster for $650. Tolex can be replaced, right?

Despite all of this, in a moment of weakness, I decided to throw an offer out - $700.  I wanted this amp, dammit.  I played one years ago in one of my few tire-kicking kijiji moments, when I was checking out a G&L ASAT.  I remember loving it, but the seller wouldn't come down to a price I was willing to pay (or could afford at the time).

The seller got back to me with a counter of $745.  Maybe it was the odd number, but I balked.  I replied that I thought the number was high, but I'd think about it.  I started looking at other items I was following, and concluded that my money would be better spent elsewhere.

I responded with the polite "thanks but I'll pass", and very soon after got a phone call and an email:

"You can have it for the $700 and I'll meet you halfway."

Tempting, but still no.

$700 is crazy for this amp given what it is if you ask me.  The most often compared amp to this (according to Google) is the Blues Junior, and while I'm sure build quality and max volume goes to Mesa, the verdict on tone seems to slightly favour the Blue Junior.

On top of that, I'm starting to lean towards the Hot Rod Deluxe.  Put it this way - Well over 50% of the videos made by Anderson seem to feature this amp in the background.  If it's good enough to play some of the most expensive guitars they feature, and is THE platform for demonstrating pedals, why isn't it good enough for me?

Also, this came up today, and I'm going to pick it up shortly.  Seems we're one step closer to the HR Deluxe.

Good Grief!


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