Monday Roundup: June 5, 2017

Another Monday, another collection of cool gear from the weekend.

Danelectro DanoBlaster - $125

I vaguely recall when Danelectro release these, and only because I thought it was an absolutely stupid concept - effects built straight into the guitar (hence the collection of knobs).
"Dano" weren't the first to come up with this concept, and before we get too critical of the idea, search for the "Les Paul Recording", which was Les' idea apparently.
Suffice to say that this concept never took off, and the current owner is aware, noting that they have "disconnected the onboard effects".  As a result, we have a unique looking guitar that amounts to a Stratocaster of just a shade over $100.
If you could get it for $100 I think this would be a very cool "strip the guts" kind of project.

Ampeg Reverbrocket 2x12 - $500

This is a fantastic price.  I'll be shocked if this amp's listing is live for more than a few days, because $500 for this amp is what you'd be paying for its little brother (one of the Jets).
I owned a Jet II, and it was pretty cool.  The speaker wasn't great, and the cabinet was too small for a V30, but overall it was a cool little 15 watt tube amp that I shouldn't have sold.  This isn't that, so it could be the 50 watts that is driving the price down.
If this comes down any more in price though, I may have to jump.

Ibanez Jet-King - $400

Now for something completely different. This first tow entries today come in at great prices.
 This one not so much.
Ibanez has always had a hard time breaking out of the hard rock/shred-machine image that they have so lovingly crafted for years.  It's almost as if, at Ibanez HQ, there are a few people who DON'T listen to Dragonforce and are convinced that if they try hard enough, they can do the alt-rock thing.
In fairness, the Talman's have always been cool guitars, and have certainly stuck around through various iterations (the latest being the most traditional).
Four hundred bucks for this is nuts though.  That's MIM Straocaster money.  That's Epiphone Les Paul and a pedal money.


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