Quick Hit: I want an Ibanez?

I just came across this as a result of a video posted on Facebook.  Didn't realize that Ibanez was launching a Standard line of Talmans along with the Prestige stuff that hit the stores awhile ago.

The Prestige stuff is stupid money if you ask me.  At around $1500 retail, there are so many options for Fender like instruments.  The Standards however, are listed on Musicians Friend for sub-$600 CAD, so I'm interested to see what Long and McQuade will carry them for.  I suspect these are going to be Indonesian made, and while that isn't a deal breaker, and Indonesian guitar for that kind of money gives me pause.
The sparkle blue, on a hybrid of a Telecaster (pickups and Bridge), Stratocaster (controls) and Jaguar (body shape) has me developing a serious case of GAS regardless.


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