Flawed Favorites

I'm sure we all have certain pieces of gear that carry some value beyond practical use, but lack any sentimental attachment.  For me, that piece of gear is the Fulltone Fulldrive 2.

My first recollection of the FD2, beyond magazine mentions, was it's appearance in a major guitar shop in Japan, listed for about 45,000 yen, which is about $400 USD.  You see, the FD2 was hot stateside, and getting anything that was hot in the States in Japan meant paying a serious premium...

Aside: Cool versioning history of the FD2 here.

A premium I had no interest in paying, what with the plethora of Japanese builders offering pedals I had never seen or heard about.  I remember picking up a Sobbat Drive Breaker 3 as an alternative, but also recall being disappointed to the point of seldom using it.

I'd like it back just for the graphic.
In any case, when I returned to Canada and got the opportunity to buy a Fulldrive 2, I jumped, especially since this was the 10th Anniversary version.  In fact, I owned a power blue non-MOSFET version with Mike Fuller's signature for a time also, but sold it.

I seem to do that. A lot

At any rate, I've been a big fan of the Fulldrive 2 for a long time now, but it isn't without it's faults, chief among which is the "boost" channel, which is really just variable gain, not a separate boost assignable before or after the main sound.

Though no minor gripe if you ask me, what it really means is that I have a pedals-worth of space being taken up on my board with a completely useless side of the FD2.  For any other pedal it would be reason enough to sell-sell-sell.  In this case though, I really do like the FM setting on the main switch, and it's eventual replacement will be the Analogman King of Tone, which I expect to get to order in March of 2018...

Until then I guess I'll focus on getting my hands on some Wampler...

Vox AC4C1-BL - $300

If this were priced $50 lower, I think it would be a steal, but I'm not sure about it at $300.

Videos online certain sound nice, but it's always hard to judge based on Youtube and computer speakers. I think I'd have this over my baby Marshall at this point, but the values don't seem to line up close enough to offer a trade.

The aesthetics are great though, aren't they?

Analogman King of Tone - $600

Six hundred dollars!?!?!?

I've heard they're good, and I can't wait to get one, but hard pass.

That's just nuts.

EMG 81/85 Set - $80

My recent return to EMGs in my Yamaha Pacifica has reminded me that, for all the flack these pups get online, EMG makes professional grade pickups that sound great and are SUPER quiet.

At $40 buck per pickup, it's hard not to think that I'd be happier with my Epiphone Les Paul with these in it, but the lack of Les Paul wiring means I'd be spending another $50 on a quick connect kit...

Koch Multitone II 100w - $750

Remember when these things cost a small fortune?

I've seen the little 20 watt studio combos going for as low as $500, which is just nuts if you ask me.  If you're looking for a boutique quality amp with a ton of flexibility, look no further.

You have to admit, it's amazing the effect hype has on prices.

Hao Rust Driver - $100

Speaking of hype, remember this company? 

Back in the mid 2000's I recall these being a big deal, with a bunch of these pedals being available in Japan as the "new hot thing".  Reviews were mostly positive, but being at the front of the boutique builder wave has me wondering about the sound quality...

Like the Sobbat pictured above, I think there is a reason few of the builders from that era survived.

Fender Champion 600 - $175

These were cool little amps, and this one has an upgraded Weber speaker and has gone through a "point to point" conversion, according to the seller.

That could make this amp go one of two ways. Either you have a wicked little vintage-type low watt amp to absolutely crank...

... Or you have an expensive repair bill in about a week.

Roll the dice and take your chances.

Ampeg Reverb Rocket Stack - $900

Yes. Please.

I can't explain why, but my GAS meter just shot through the roof.  The blue diamond tolex combined with the silver grill cloth is so sharp looking, I'm not sure I would want it anywhere but the main room, just so I could stare at it rather than watch TV.

I'm actively deciding what MUST be sold in order to acquire this, and completely ignoring that I need a 50 Watt 4x12 like I need a hole in the head...

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