Long Weekend Roundup - This is getting 'spensive

I'm pretty content with my new board, but...

There's always a chance it could be made better.

Listening to the "Chasing Tone" podcast by Brian Wampler has me wanting just about every one of his pedals, despite the fact that he rarely mentions his own work.  That's insidious marketing for you...

"That Pedal Show" doesn't help either, what with their Klon clone comparisons and their Dumble in a box episode.  Put me down for a Tumnus and a Euphoria please, but probably a Soul Food in the near and cheaper future.

My biggest problem this week is that it's alway "just" $60 here, and $60 there...

Danelectro Dan-Echo and Ibanez AD99 - $60/$100

There's about to be (if not already) a small rush on used Danelectro stuff, especially the "Food" series, thanks to the Guitar Knobs, and specifically Matt Knight's, pseudo review of all of them.  This pedal isn't one of those (larger/metal chassis), but prices on them are extremely low given the quality of the tones they provide.

I recently picked up the Chorus from the same series, and my only gripe is that the buffered signal suffers from some serious loss of something.  If I had a switching unit that could take it in and out of the signal path, I'd be actively using it - it genuinely sounds great.  I'd expect the same thing from this delay, which is just fine for something costing so little.

The Ibanez?  I know nothing about it, save to say that I remember it being reviewed in a magazine when it first came out, and the review was glowing. 

Fulltone Full-Drive 2 - $99 

The FD2 is something that is just about as close to "always on" as it gets for me, at least until I finally get a King of Tone (which should be about 6 months from now?) .  I have the 10th anniversary edition, which has 3 modes instead of two (Comp Cut, Flat Mids, and Vintage) and MOSFET/STANDARD switch which, to my ears, adds a slight bit of edge.

This is obviously a version made within the first 10 years, and for $99 is a ridiculous price for such a good alternative to a Tube Screamer.  The boost is fairly useless, and my favorite setting,"Flat Mids", is absent here, but I'd still take this over the run of the mill screamer.

 Wampler dB+ - $120

Could this cure my Wampler Gas?

Maybe, but it really isn't what I'm looking for, though the fact that this has a switchable buffer (and Wampler's buffer at that), could make it a very sensible first pedal for my board once I finally realize, once again, that the Wah pedal is a novelty.

The posted recently reposted as a trade, so I'm kind of wondering what might entice him in my collection...

Probably nothing I'm willing to part with if I'm honest.

Danelectro Collection - $120

If my prediction is right, stuff like this is going to get pretty hot.  $30 per pedal is pretty steep for these, but if the case is included, it could make for a nice little conversation piece/home screw-around-with pedal board.

There's actually something interesting about that to me, and something I'm actively trying to do - create a second pedal board for when you're not really worried about tone-suck and just want to be super silly.  Basically, I want to build my first board, which was entirely Metallica inspired and contained a Wah, TS9, a Metal Zone, a GE-7 EQ, and a CE5 chorus.

Actually, it just occurred that I have almost all of those things... and only the wah lives on the main board... Hmmm...

Analog Man Price of Tone - $200

Every time I think I want to replace my Fulldrive 2, I remind myself that I'm on the waiting list for a King of Tone.  Someday, I'll have a King of Tone...

Until then, why not a Prince of Tone?  $200 is a fair price I suppose, but I'm a little surprised to see how few people are jumping on this.

Ibanez Soundtank Digital Delay - $60

I remember these pedals being all over the place in high school, on account of one of the two music stores dealing these and DOD, and the other dealing in Boss.  I was loyal to neither store, but even back then the build quality difference was apparent to me.

Still, if Danelectro can stage a comeback for cheapy pedals, why not Ibanez too?

Boss Katana Head - $300

I was wondering when these were going to start showing up.  I've seen two combos come up in the last 3 months, and now the head.

Something tells me more patience is required. Given the killer price new and the way flexibility like this can sell amps to moms and dads, I expect that these will be all over the place 12 months from now at rock bottom prices.

Hopefully the build quality is sufficient to hold out until then.

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