Three Amps with some stuff in common?

Yeah, yeah... It isn't a very clever title.

I was looking through my "favourited" list and noticed three amps listed consecutively that had quite a bit in common: Multiple channels, 1x12, higher gain, all effectively at the same price point.

There's a big of a theme here I think - Wouldn't it be great to have a great vintage style low watt amp AND a more modern, higher gain amp?

Seems like a good enough reason...

Mesa Recto-Verb 50 - $1000

I've mention this amp more than a few times, and that is usually a pretty good indication that I'm destined to pick one up eventually.  I'll have to sell a few things to be sure, but this is a quality amp with a sound I'm familiar with.  I don't quite recall the settings, but the high gain sound on this that isn't the "recto" flavour is pretty amazing.

Engl Thunder 50 - $950

I remember first reading about these amps in an interview with Richie Blackmore in the early nineties.  It was something about how he got one of these combos, and loved it so much that he offered to endorse, to which the response was "no, you can buy it like everyone else".  

It pissed Richie off, but apparently he bought it anyway, and eventually they did do a signature amp. That's probably saying something. 

Fender Super Sonic 22 - $900

I owned the 60 watt version of this, which was obviously too loud.  Of the amps here, this is the least "modern gain" option, but I have to admit the thing was pretty damn flexible.

Prices on these have gone up seriously in the last few years - I got my 60 in a trade for a Mesa F35. Funny enough, neither of those amps are ones that I particularly miss... So yeah...

Edit: I wrote this before the offer noted in the last entry... Funny that..

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