Want it, Except, Maybe?

I successfully exchanged the Boss BF3 Flanger for the TR2 Tremolo yesterday.  Unfortunately, while Drew got a pedal replete with box and manual, I only got a pedal.

On the face of it, Drew got a steal of a deal. Truth be told, I'd had the flanger for much longer than I wanted to. There is a lesson somewhere in here, and it goes something like:

"The list price of a piece of gear is not the only factor in determining it's value on the used market."

With the in mind, I'm fairly satisfied with the trade... though a box would've been nice. Of greater concern now is incorporating the TR2 onto my board, becuase I've been very happy with the current setup, and worry that changing anything will throw the universe out of balance.


Peavey Bandit - Silver Stripe - $200

I can't ready the words "Peavey Bandit" without hearing the voice of Jay Cross of The Guitar Nerds in my head.  It's not just the voice that sticks like a bad song, but the sentiment - the Peavey Silver Stripe series were the go to amps for a generation of players.

Want it: Nostalgia again.  I had a Studio Pro, a guy I knew had the Bandit, and I was always a bit jealous of the extra wattage and controls.

Except: I never actually owned a Bandit, so the nostalgia angle is horse shit.

But Maybe?: Not this time.  I want a Studio Pro.

Peavey Studio Pro - Silver Stripe - $200

Speaking of Studio Pros, here is a silver stripe version.  Cue my GAS.  This was my first "loud enough to gig" amp, and the one I used more than any in live settings to date (let's just say I peaked early).

Want it: This is the amp I used to own.

Except: Two hundred bucks is a bit steep. Experience tells me I could have it for a hundred bucks if I'm patient.

But Maybe?: No maybe about it. I'm going to get me one of these sooner or later.

Blackstar HT5 Mini Stack - $425

Sticking with amps, this Blackstar turned up and I thought it represented a great value. I spent about 5 minutes with this exact setup at Sherwood Music in Kitchener ON years ago, and remember thinking that is was a pretty cool little amp.

Want it: Mostly on looks alone, but there's something to be said about an amp that isn't interested in being a "clean pedal platform".

Except: I've really taken to my pedals, and I already have a low wattage tube amp that is much better than this. Maybe two.

But Maybe?: Would I rather have this, the Boss Katana, or the Super Champ XD that I currently have? Probably the Boss if we're being honest, and it is much cheaper new.

KHDK Dark Blood - $200

For someone who used to be the biggest Metallica fan in high school, and who is pretty up on his gear, I was shocked to learn that Kirk Hammet was making pedals.  I mean, I know he isn't making them, but rather lending his name and input to the process.

Want it: These actually sound pretty good in videos, and if you ask me, Kirk gets a lot of shit from the guitar community for doing what he likes (which mainly involves high gain wah). If Metallica do something interesting on the next album... (don't worry, they won't...).

Except: Two hundred bucks? This thing thinks it's a good as a Peavey Bandit?

But Maybe?: Nope, not this time Kirk. I may still buy your purple sparkle LTD signature, but you're not getting me on this.

Fender Deluxe Stratocaster - $1500

At some point in the last 5 years, Fender release a version of the Deluxe Strat that had "personality cards", which were basically floppy disks (?) that could be inserted into the back of the guitar to rewire the pickups on the fly.

It was the solution to the problem literally nobody was have.

Want it:  Nope.  Stupid then, stupid now.

Except: Nope. Stupid.

Maybe?: Fifteen hundred dollars worth of dumb.

Fender Baja Telecaster - $850

Anyone else hearing Jay Cross again? This has been the go to choice in terms of price/performance according to The Guitar Nerds (and others) for years now, and it is easy to understand why.  It is exactly as a Tele should be.

Want it: Difficult to argue with Black-guard looks, all the case candy, and the SKB case at this price point.

Except: Not much to be honest, but if I'm going to own another Tele, I think I want it to be a thinline, like the LPB Nash I played in St. Louis years ago, kind of like this.  Actually, the white is nice too...

But Maybe?: Nah.  At this price, there are other things I'm more keen to get into.  As I said earlier, the next guitar has to be a bit "out there" in comparison to what I already have.

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