
Showing posts with the label Edwards

Christmas Comes Early?

I had the pleasure of playing at a friend's wedding in October. His uncle, having passed away this year and no children of his own, left him a prized 1960 Gibson J45.  It was in rough shape pretty rough shape, and needed new frets and some structural work, but a visit to the 12th Fret in Toronto saw it go from an amazing piece filled with sentimental (and tangible) value to a guitar that played like a dream, sounded amazing, and retained all the personal value attached to a guitar passed from one generation to another. It sounded great that day, and I only made a bazillion mistakes, one of which my wife noticed. Oh well. If you've never experienced it, go find a good old acoustic and give it strum.  The difference is night and day compared to new guitars. Compared to the Yamaha acoustic I have, which sits ignored in the corner, it's chalk and day. Christmas Shopping I was out over the weekend Christmas shopping, which meant spending more time in malls and toy st...

Cool Guitar Find: Aloha Les Paul

Japan is a great place for guitars. Not only do you get the Fender Japan stuff, but there are a ton of companies putting out high quality copies of things we just don't get over here. Edwards, which is owned by ESP, is a perfect example.   Check this guitar out : Edwards has a great reputation for quality Les Paul copies, and while this isn't everyone's cup of tea, it is definitely something I think I need to have.  Listed as a shade over $1000 CAD with free shipping from Japan, I'm wishing I was in a position for a weird guitar. Whoa - notice the lack of upper horn pickup selector? Truth be told though, I know that if I got it and hated the feel, I'd probably have a VERY hard time getting my money back.

Trade Offer: American Special Telecaster?

I'm still waiting to meet up with Mr. Edwards .  I haven't been too excited, because I remain skeptical if the meetup will ever take place.  It isn't because I get a bad vibe from they guy - quite the oppostie.  He's a family man who hasn't been able to make it out due to a sick kid and what I imagine are the usual responsibilities that accumulate by the weekend. Sometimes though, that's enough to sink a deal.  I the grand scheme, a guitar trade is easily pushed down the priority list when children and wives are involved. Still, I'm holding out hope. In the meantime, I'm still fielding offers, and yesterday one came along that had me wondering if I really wanted the Edwards... A 2012 American Special Telecaster... I think. The owner sent a picture of the back of the headstock and this example dates to 2012, making me think that it is an American Special.  My first guess was "Highway 1" based on the 70s style logo on the headstock, ...

Trading Post: Edwardian Offer

I re-posted the Contemporary Stratocaster. Despite provenance, I'm not bonding with the guitar - too many similarities to my Eric Johnson Stratocaster make it uninteresting - an HSS setup, the 12" radius (but a much shallower neck), etc.  It's a great guitar, and the "not long for this world" locking setup is actually quite clever and easy to use. But it doesn't help that my wife is no fan, regularly commenting that it "looks dirty".  I suppose the 30 year aging of an off-white doesn't speak to everyone.  God help me in 20 years or so... I might be described as "off white", so I sympathize A couple of days in and I've received an offer that I may not be able to refuse, even though I'm not sure I'm getting value... The offer? An Edwards E-SN-145. Edwards, for those who don't know, is an ESP brand made for "Japan only".  My first experience with the brand came while living in Japan, and wandering ...