Quick Update: Restringing the Stratocaster with the System III requires the patience of a saint. I'm not going to go through the many stages of anger, frustration, denial, acceptance, and final victory, but suffice to say there might have been a bit of crying. Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar I bought this guitar on a whim. Over some holiday gathering, I went to a music store with my brother. This caught my eye, and the price was right (Less than $300 out the door). Sure it had issues right off the bat, but it was soooo cool. Let's get something out of the way - I have no idea why this is part of the "Vintage Modified" series and not the "Classic Vibe" series. You see, the Vintage Modified series is supposed to be a collection of classic designs with a few modern popular updates. This definitely isn't that. WTF is modified here? As Lee Anderton rightly pointed out (see video below), this is pretty much a spot on recreation of the or...