Wanna Buy a Jaguar?

After a recent visit to a nearby Long and McQuade, I've come away convinced that I desperately need the MIJ Traditional Series Paisley Jazzmaster. The problem is I've decided that I have too many guitars, so something(s) gotta go first.

Aside from pink paisley being something I dig, I was blown away by how well it played right off the rack.  Someone had clearly done a setup prior to hanging it, and I was likely the first person to touch it since. It felt great, with a neck profile that was large enough to be comfortable.

In short: I want it.

At $1299 though, the responsible adult in me feels that I need to "thin the herd" as it were before committing that, or any, money on something so far from a need.  A quick rundown of the things I could live without yielded tow candidates, neither of which would yield significant return, but together would be enough to justify the rest: The Squier Jaguar and the Epiphone Les Paul.

The Epi I can live without, and while the Squier isn't going to fetch enough to make or break anything,  it's going to get played even less if there's a better offset in the house, so it seems silly keep it.  I've posted both, for reasonable prices (and open to offers), and after 12 hrs received my first inquiry, which is worth sharing:

"Is this available"?
"Can you tell me a bit about it how it sounds, the shape it’s in, etc."
I considered the question, and came up with the following responses (with credit to my brother for the third):

  1. "It sounds by plucking a string, or multiple strings (this is called a chord).
  2. "It sounds like a jaguar.  You know... RAWR".
  3. "Have you heard of Meshugga? Nothing like that.

After much consideration, I sent him a link to the Anderton's video and moved on. 

So did he apparently.


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