Friday Family Plans

It's Friday! How about a few shots of the family? First, the Fenders. Should the Tele been in the front? Can't see myself parting with any of these, but never say never. The Blacktop ( second from right) will be getting a makeover sometime in September. The Les Paul inspired assembly will be going into the cupboard upon the arrival of a White/Black/White, H/S/S guard. Should look something like this, I hope: EMG pickups seem to be getting a ton of flak since about 1996, but I still think they're great. the necessity of a battery in the guitar is a bit annoying, but the sound is consistent, noise free, and different than anything else. The other thing I like is the clean look. I've found the mint green guard on Sonic Blue makes the guitar look near white (when not sitting beside anything white). Alternatively, a red tortoise pickguard might give it a cool vintage vibe, while the pearloid gives it a bit of a Strat Plus vibe....