Trade Train #2 - Dr. Z Maz 38

I sold that Les Paul Studio for the princely sum of $900, which is a bit higher than they were going for at the time. Never underestimate the value of using entirely unnecessary adjectives when writing Kijiji posts - words like "vibe" and "mojo" come to mind.  Aspiring rock stars, and especially aspiring "local Stevies", eat that language up.  The whole Crossroads mythos is the stupidest thing to even happen to the guitar if you ask me***.

***Sorry.  Second Stupidest.

There was a purpose to selling the Les Paul though.  There is always a purpose, and it is almost always the same - something else on the horizon, destined to make all of your tone dreams come true. And when it isn't that, it's because you're broke.  Thankfully, selling the Les Paul was about the first thing.

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There is always a porpoise.

The object of my affection? A Dr. Z Maz 38 Senior with a custom Leyland Sound 2x12 cab.  I had read about Dr. Z for a long time, and was dying to try one.  When the opportunity to purchase this one came up, that Les Paul went out the door faster than my ability to come up with a clever metaphor.

Z Goodness

If you've never tried a Dr. Z amp, you really should.  Don't try the Mini Z either because you're cheap.  Try one of the Maz versions.  It's really hard not to love them, even with the price tag.  I used this in the last band I played with, and the combination of this and a Fulltone FD2 set to stun was just about I'd ever need.  

It was one of those "perfect amps"...

That I eventually sold, because of course I did.  Once I wasn't playing with a band, having a 38 watts of Class A amp seemed like overkill, so it was time for it to go out the door.

Below is a video of Dave Baker demoing a Maz 8 combo, which may just be my new object of desire (the amp, not Mr. Baker - though he is dreamy?).  Funny enough, I saw Dave Baker in Nashville playing one of the clubs.  I was completely taken aback by his playing and, since it was the afternoon set, was fortunate enough to get a chance to chat with him for a bit.  Super nice guy, even better player.  The house amp was a Fender DRRI.


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