Damn "Tele" - or is it "Teley"?

Here's a post I saw come up locally yesterday:

"Squier Teley - $200 - Made in Japan Squire Teley sehs a beauty. 200.00 or best offer may consider trade. Pictures don't want to load will send"

Made is Japan you say?  For $200 bucks you say?  "sehs" a beauty you say?

Too good not to ask, I say:

The pictures came in response quickly.  Anyone want to guess what guitar game up?

Called it!
Yes, the same Squier "Tele" that I was offered only the day before in exchange for the Squier Standard Stratocaster.  $200?!?!?  Made in Japan?!?!?!?
You're not Japanese, are you?
I'm not going to suggests this Kijijiot was actively trying to rip someone off (he is), but I had exchanges with the hombre before.  He has offered things on other trades that have some seriously questionable value.  He tries his best to "sell" whatever he's pushing though, bless his little black heart.  Points for effort?

I responded politely:

"That isn't made in Japan man.  Happy to be proven wrong."

Don't tell me you weren't thinking it.

No point in getting into a pissing match with the guy - maybe he genuinely can't read the back of the headstock?  Strange that he can read and write emails, but seems to have a technology dependant ability to communicate with, and understand, the written word?

Which at this point of our story fails him - I receive no response.

Color. Me. Shocked.

Checking the ad today, it now reads "Made in China". Score one for the good guys I guess.  But don't buy this guitar at $200.  New they're $229.99.

So if you insist on buying new and throwing your money away... Why not buy this Affinity Tele instead, listed in the same area for $150? (I mean don't, but if you absolutely have to...)
Ooooh a strap!

Remember kids - practice safe posting - Make sure someone isn't selling the same guitar for $50 less than you (and in a better color if you ask me).


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