Hen-Man Returns - The Re-Cluckening

Remember Hen-Man?

Didn't take him long to resurface, responding to the same ad, this time offering up an Ovation/Applause EA38.  No, I can't find a decent pic online.  Sorry.  Here's a goat instead.

You were expecting fowl play?  Get it? Hen-man?
After having him bail on the last meet up, I wasn't impressed, and didn't hesitate to let him know.

Since going through my last ordeal with Hen-Man, I wasn't interested in even acknowledging the offer.  Instead, I responded thusly:

Yeah, you were also supposed to meet me on a Sunday after church, but didn't. 
Not interested in your crap gear or in dealing with someone who can't keep his word. 

Harsh?  Maybe,  but I stand by it.  I can't stand dealing with people who walk you to the one yard line only to vanish like Tom Brady's credibility.  Makes me sick.  Yes, Hen-man makes me sick. Also Tom Brady.

Unfortunately, Hen-Man used the most dastardly weapon in his arsenal - the human sympathy beam.

had to go to hospitals my oldest went on to labor

We'll assume she just went to one hospital, and not many.  The next closest one is 30km away, so that didn't seem reasonable.  What did seem reasonable was to expect a "hey - can't make it" or days later a "sorry, but I'm a grandfather now" type of message. Maybe a picture.

No, definitely a picture.  I want proof.

I'm not really that terrible though, so while perturbed, I replied simply with "Congrats".

Two quick responses followed, both suggesting we meet that day to make the sale.  I had heard this story before.

I'm busy until 5.
You can call me at XXX-XXX-XXXX at 530.
I won't hold my breath. 

Well, I gave him the door he wanted to walk through.  That door is the magical threshold of feigned offence.  Man did he walk through that doorway.  Hard.

Why would you say that  in case forget it

You could almost hear the sniffles.

The guitar is now sold, but I almost want another one, just to make sure he stays in my life a little longer...


  1. As the Hulkster would say in the business world, "a sale's a sale, brother".


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