Selling Gear to Acquire Regret?
I've been thinking a lot about a major shake up to my collection, and this time it isn't about guitars... it's about amps. My recent obsession with That Pedal Show, along with the appearance of more than a few PRRI 68 reissues online have got me thinking about having that clean platform to play with. Besides, pedals ARE cheaper than guitars. For the majority of my guitar playing life, I've been a pretty pedal heavy player, relying on all the usual suspects from Boss and Fulltone to create sounds through some type of clean amp (Blues Junior, DRRI, Pro Junior, Supersonic, Ampeg Jet II, Dr. Z Maz 38). Then I acquired my wee Marshall DSL-1C, and the pedals went away. Most were sold, and the ones that weren't went into storage. Guitar - Cable - Amp... that was putting a smile on my face. I recently pulled out my trusty Fulldrive 2 (the 10th Anniversary Edition) and started to play around with it a bit. Didn't love it with the Marshall at any setting, but t...