SOLD: Chicago Stompworks"Naked" Red Llama

Trading isn't always the best way to get things to move. Sometimes, you have to bite the bullet and list for a really good price.That was the case with the pedal, which I got in a trade for the Zoom Hyper Lead.  Having listed it for a few weeks as a trade in a few different locations, and thrown some rejected offers out there myself, it was clear that this was going to have to go on the cheap.

Cheap is relative though.  I had tried to sell the Hyper Lead for as low as $40 on multiple instances, with no takers. Selling this one for $40 somehow seemed like a win, even though it probably isn't.

In any case, the only thing worth mentioning here is that when the guy who was buying showed, he asked to demo it. Ugh.

Fine.  You want to demo it. I get it, you don't want to get ripped off.  You do realize you are standing in my house... You literally know where I live you ass hat. My time is valuable.

Sigh.  I take it back. It isn't some huge deal to ask to try it I suppose.  I'm just sour because I demo'd it through the Marshall DSL1C, and it sounded fantastic.  Now I'm bothered because I hadn't tried that before selling...


I'm sure the Archer is going to make me feel better. I only need to figure out how to pick it up.


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