
Showing posts with the label Sold

Time to Bye: Epiphone Les Paul Standard

The guilt is overwhelming... I've never really bonded with this, or any, Les Paul.  I want to love them, but they're just not my bag.  Back when I picked this one up for a steal though, my daughter named  it. It's like animals - don't let the kids give them a name unless you're going to keep them. And for a long time I stuck to this premise, until I came across a Paisley Jazzmaster that gave me the fizzy feeling James May so often invokes. I needed to get rid of some guitars, and this one was near top of the list. Sorry Lassie, it's time to go out behind the shed and turn you into glue. I may have just confused 3 different animals and movies... At any rate, I posted locally and within two days I received a number of inquiries, the most promising of which was a gentleman from north of me who was willing to drive down (about an hour) to check it out "as soon as possible", but was also very clear on his desire to "do this at your ( my ) co...

SOLD: Chicago Stompworks"Naked" Red Llama

Trading isn't always the best way to get things to move. Sometimes, you have to bite the bullet and list for a really good price.

SOLD: Squier 51

I just sold a guitar to the Cornish Game Hen .  I can't believe it. I've been posting the Squier 51 on and off since acquiring the Eric Johnson Rosewood.  A few predictably sad offers had come through over the course of a few weeks, including an offer to trade for an Epiphone Hummingbird from none other than Hen-Man himself. Another one bites the dust As a quick recap, Hen-man is a guy who seems to never want to deal.  His communication is bizarre and he regularly demonstrates he knows nothing about guitars.  I don't think I've posted one low value guitar that he hasn't responded to with some insulting offer. The guitar was posted for $225. Hen-man offered $200 and demanded to see a picture of the headstock.  I sent the pic, but responded that I would absolutely not move on price.  He asked what kind of pickups were in it. I lost my mind - he's done this before, convinced that his Squier Affinity Telecaster has "Duncans" in it.  Truth be to...

SOLD! Orange Micro Terror Micro Stack

Cute, isn't it? Yeah well, this one went to the kitty farm. Posted: April 11th Sold: April 21st Price: $175 I would have liked to get $200 out of this, but given the boneheaded decision I made earlier , I think this was a pretty fair deal.  Given that the power switch was broken in a toddler related accident, getting out at 60% of what I paid at retail is reasonable. Remember - Selling guitar stuff is the same as selling cars.  If there has been an accident, expect 20 points to get knocked off the price. Sucks, but accept the reality and move on. The buyer was actually pretty awesome.  We arranged an time to meet, and between him getting slammed at work and me dealing with a sick kid, we missed two scheduled meetups.  Rather than miss another day, he sent his assistant to complete the transaction (?!?!?!?). Remember: Full names and phone numbers mean you're dealing in good faith. The world isn't a shitty place, people aren't terrible, and always wea...