Cooler than John Mayer?

PRS EG SE - $400

Isn't the internet great?

John Mayer, having left Fender as a Signature Artist years before, finally asked Paul Reed Smith to make him a Strat. Despite this being likely the least surprising thing in the history of artist relations ever, the internet could talk of nothing else.

The memes alone were getting tired by the next day.

Of course, it didn't help that both Paul and John offered explanations generously described as contrived. If either had come out and said something to the effect of "of course I (he) wanted a Strat style guitar... My (his) career has been built round it", I can't help but feel the internet would have gotten over it.

But here's the thing.  PRS was making Strat knockoffs long before Mr. Mayer came along.  No, there isn't a trem, and sure it's set-neck, but whatever.  Sport this and you can claim to be into PRS Strats way before this Mayer character ever came around...

$400 for a guitar that came out of World Music Supply (Korea) is probably fair, though I would prefer to see this at $300.

Still super cool if you ask me.

Fender Hot Rod Deville 2x12 - $500

Everyone thinks they know better, and I'm as guilty of it as anyone. Probably more so.

I've been pushing my brother towards a Hot Rod Series amp for just about forever now, feeling convinced that his penchant for pedals would be well served by what is likely the most popular tube amp series of all time.

He remains unconvinced, owing to his affinity for Marshall amplifiers. Marshall amps are great, don't get me wrong, but when you're playing a Gretsch into a Marshall, you're Malcolm Young.

Into a Fender? You're Brian Setzer.

That rhymed. It must be true.

Fender Pro Junior - $275

My pedal collection is getting completely out of control, so much so that much I've managed to assemble a pedalboard of misfit pedals without really trying, and it might actually be a pretty good second board.

Which means second amp, right?

With the new series of Pro Junior (Series IV) having come out a couple of months ago, the prices of Series III and under have bottomed.  $275 is ridiculous value, and if it weren't for a bunch of travel plans this summer, I'd be all over this.

Here's hoping it stays this way into the fall.

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