Roundup: Wednesday June 21, 2017

After picking up the Squier MIK Stratocaster, and the Maz 8 shortly before that, I'm going to have a hard time justifying another gear acquisition without moving something.  There's a Fender Princeton Recording, mentioned in a previous post, that is on the radar in exchange for the Marshall DSL1, but the owner seems a bit flaky in terms of meeting times.  We'll have to wait and see if that comes to fruition.

Hagstrom Viking Deluxe - $600

Hard to argue with that finish, and the unique headstock combined with the Grover Imperial-esque tuners really make this guitar one classy looking axe. $600 is probably a fair price with a case (these list for around $1K), but the seller notes that they are moving across country, which means they're probably on a schedule.

Combine the potential necessity of sale with the fact that this instrument is extremely local to me and I'm inclined to throw out and offer of $400 and move the Squier vintage Modified Jaguar to cover the cost. Inclined, not convinced.  Given how local this is, I may wait a few days then ask to check it out, being clear that I'm on the fence.  I've heard the necks on these are super-small.

Epiphone Negative Explorer - $575

On the opposite end of the classy spectrum is this Epiphone Negative Explorer. While I understand the thought behind the name, it seems to me that there are a ton of white Explorers out there, so really all we're dealing with is an Explorer with a Maple fretboard and black hardware. Still cool I guess.

 What isn't cool is the price. Yes, this comes with a nice looking case, and the guitar seems to be in good shape, but near $600 for this oddity seems a bit much.  Having said that, if you're a Michael Schenker or Randy Rhodes fan, this might just hit the right notes for you.

MIJ Squier Telecaster - $299

Having just recently purchased a MIK Squier Stratocaster, I found it pretty funny to find this listed locally.  Three hundred bucks for a Made in Japan Squier seems to be a great price, and Fender MIJ stuff is always going to hold some value.

Based on the serial number this one looks to be from 1991-92.   This guitar is fast coming up on 30 years old, and that in and of itself is pretty cool.  I bet the neck is fantastic on this one.

Peavey Penta - $425

A seemingly weird idea from Peavey that probably would have been a hit if released by Mesa. A 160 watt (!?!?!) head with a voicing switch that had pictures of mud flap girls and cactus.  This is a great price, as these amps sold for far more than this new, and if you can get past the whole Peavey thing (and you have a 4x12), this is probably a really cool sounding amp.


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