
Showing posts with the label Epiphone

Time to Bye: Epiphone Les Paul Standard

The guilt is overwhelming... I've never really bonded with this, or any, Les Paul.  I want to love them, but they're just not my bag.  Back when I picked this one up for a steal though, my daughter named  it. It's like animals - don't let the kids give them a name unless you're going to keep them. And for a long time I stuck to this premise, until I came across a Paisley Jazzmaster that gave me the fizzy feeling James May so often invokes. I needed to get rid of some guitars, and this one was near top of the list. Sorry Lassie, it's time to go out behind the shed and turn you into glue. I may have just confused 3 different animals and movies... At any rate, I posted locally and within two days I received a number of inquiries, the most promising of which was a gentleman from north of me who was willing to drive down (about an hour) to check it out "as soon as possible", but was also very clear on his desire to "do this at your ( my ) co...

Korean Epiphone Les Paul Deluxe (1998)

Guitars, like all instruments I imagine, are sentimental.  Spend any extended period of time with a particular guitar and you'll find yourself rationalizing it as one might another person.  "Flaws" transform into lovable idiosyncrasies that define what makes the guitar unique to your experience.  Basically, you learn to love it. Sometimes.   Other times the damn thing just wont stay in tune, and that fact haunts you for 20 years. Behold, the 1998 Epiphone Les Paul Deluxe. This particular guitar was given to me by a friend who had spent the better part of a decade ignoring it. When I received it, the frets were green, the pickups were touching the strings, and the body was covered in what might be generously described as DNA. Also, there was a Tool Sticker. I wish I had taken pictures of the cleanup process, which took place over the course of a week.  Bridge hardware was removed, the entire guitar was cleaned, the fret board oiled...

You're Kidding, Right?

I'm not even sure how to artfully put this... I came across this Epiphone Nighthawk in purple quilt the other day, posted as "For Trade".  Not having anything I wanted to trade for this, I reached out after a few days, having noticed multiple posts, usually an indication of desperation on the part of the seller. "How much?" "$600" Wait, what? Better still, the seller had also posted their Roland Cube 80 for the low low price of $400. In case you're keeping score at home, that's a bit more than you could walk out of L&M with a brand new Boss Katana 50. With that in mind, I've decided to compile a list of all the other, and better, things, one could buy with that same $1,000 this seller is expecting for his/her rig. Genz Benz Black Pearl 30 - $600 A long time ago, in a town not so far away, I came across one of these in a little music shop run by folks eager to tell me how their stock of Blade guitars was easily better...

Pepto-Bismol cures GAS, right?

I've been GASing for a Gretsch Electromatic pretty hard lately, but my inability to move some equipment to justify the purchase has left me resigned to being patient.  No need to jump the gun here, FMIC isn't going to cancel the line anytime soon, and I'm actually a bit hopeful that we'll see a few more FSR runs with some new colours that might light the fuse of a purchase. But something else is tickling the back of my brain... Super Strats. Neck through, locking tremolo, flat fingerboard.  The opposite of Gretsch.  Could I end up going in a completely different direction? YES: Half the price, twice the pink? What's not to love? Some thoughts on recent items: Ibanez RGA Lagoon Burst - $350 I don't remember when the original RGAs came out, with their Gibraltar bridges and such, but I remember wanting one something fierce, and being devastated by the price - after all, these were Prestige guitars. Fast forward a decade (or two?)...

Happy New Year Roundup (Repost)

Another year means time for gear? Well that was terrible, but if you're looking for comedy you're in the wrong place.  As I predicted, things after Christmas started to heat up, with fresh Christmas disappointments driving owners to sell their least cherished items so they could pursue the object of their latest affections. Happy Hunting in the New Year. Epiphone ES339 - $400 A few weeks ago it wasn't uncommon to see these selling for somewhere between $500 and $600.  While this may have been wishful thinking on the sellers part,  the post Christmas blues are seeing prices on these drop pretty quickly.  This example alone when from $500 to $400 in increments of $25 in about a day. I don't think you'll see these go much lower, so if you're in the market, strike while the getting is good.  Giving that I've seen Epiphone "Dot Studios" (stripped down Epi Es335s with only one volume and tone) posted at $400 and up, this is a pretty go...

Roundup: Wednesday June 21, 2017

After picking up the Squier MIK Stratocaster, and the Maz 8 shortly before that, I'm going to have a hard time justifying another gear acquisition without moving something.  There's a Fender Princeton Recording, mentioned in a previous post, that is on the radar in exchange for the Marshall DSL1, but the owner seems a bit flaky in terms of meeting times.  We'll have to wait and see if that comes to fruition. Hagstrom Viking Deluxe - $600 Hard to argue with that finish, and the unique headstock combined with the Grover Imperial-esque tuners really make this guitar one classy looking axe. $600 is probably a fair price with a case (these list for around $1K), but the seller notes that they are moving across country, which means they're probably on a schedule. Combine the potential necessity of sale with the fact that this instrument is extremely local to me and I'm inclined to throw out and offer of $400 and move the Squier vintage Modified Jaguar to cover the...

Cool Guitar Find 2: Epiphone Futura Custom Prophecy

A quick lunchtime visit over to the local Long and McQuade was mostly uneventful, until I wandered over to their used rack, where I was happy to discover an Epiphone Futura Custom Prophecy with a price of $249.99.  That seems like an insanely good price from a retailer on a used guitar.  the guitar itself seemed to be in good shape, with no noticeable issues.  At this price if I were considering it I'd be checking very carefully for headstock breaks, but I'm reasonably certain there were none to be found. This one is loaded with EMG pickups (81 in the bridge, 85 in the neck?) and Grover tuners, and I think that makes this a pretty good deal.  The shape is completely bizarre, (though it IS a historic Gibson shape. $249.99 plus tax.  No kidding.

No, you don't need that.

There's lots of gear out there that, while interesting and/or alluring, would end up collecting dust in my collection.  Whether it's motivated by nostalgia, desire for change, or something else, there's always gear that says "yeah, you want me, but you don't really have a good reason to want me." Here's a quick rundown of things that I think I want, but seriously don't need. Boss Metal Zone - $40, maybe? No pedal, since the inception of pedals, has gotten more flak than the Boss Metal Zone.  You know who doesn't care?  Boss.  They hit it out of the park with this one, and an entire generation of guitarists put these on their first pedal boards, including me. Does it sound good?  Not really, but I guess what it does it does reasonably well.  In high school I built my rig around this sound ( kids, right?) , thrashing about all day and night.   WANT IT : Nostalgia, combined with the fact that this is super local. Seller is offering this...

Going Stagg: Part 1

A few months ago, a family member came to town on a visit. He brought a guitar. I had mentioned on a previous visit that I had taken some of mine apart and replaced parts, and he was eager to find out what I could do with his. Challenge accepted? Well, I've let it sit around for a few months, but I've finally made some progress... But we've got a long way to go.

The Problem with "Elites"

Last week, I received a trade offer on my Contemporary Stratocaster, but not before I had to answer a few questions. First, I was asked where I'd put the value of the Strat.  I replied it was tough to say, and that the best bet was to make the offer - the worst I could say was no.  Besides, you never negotiate against yourself. He responded that he wasn't sure my guitar was worth what his was, so he'd think about it and get back to me.  Fine by me, but you could have thought about it without getting me involved. Two days later, "Trader Joe" offers his Epiphone "Elite" SG in a straight up trade. Sigh. Elitist Attitudes My opinion of Epiphone has been slowly shifting since my acquisition of that Les Paul awhile back, but I'm still not what you'd call a fan overall.  Still, I'm trying to temper my bias, so I wasn't ready to dismiss this offer right away.  Both guitars are in the "more than $500, less than $1K...

Friday's Failures

Here's the rundown of the silliest, stupidest, and downright ripoff-i-est postings I've come across in the past week.  Keep 'em coming Kijijiots. I'm not saying that each of these is a person trying to screw you, but... Well, it IS walking like a duck, isn't it?

Review: Epiphone Les Paul Standard

This might be the best deal I've ever had on Kijiji. For $250 and a bit of gas, I took home an Epiphone Les Paul Standard. Considering these go for $300-$450 typically, it's a good deal. But throw in a case and the fact that it is a really excellent example of this particular model, and it's an excellent one. Feel Shame I dislike Epiphone. This will be a recurring theme. Haters gonna hate. One of the many, many problems I've had with Epiphone was with the name itself. An Epiphone Les Paul? Pfft. Fender uses its name on products in the same price range as this, so why not Gibson? Likely something to do with "Made in the USA," but don't quote me on that. That headstock taunts you - you know that shape alone will give away your lifetime of bad choices to all who view it. "Oh, an Epiphone? Yeah, they're nice too," they say in their judge-y-est tone whilst dismissing all future opinions of yours. Feel shame, you unclean wretch....

NGD: Epiphone Les Paul Standard? Really?

I don't like Epiphone. Experience is to blame for this near sacred opinion. The first experience was a friend's Epi Les Paul Deluxe ( in black because teenager)  that wouldn't hold tune.  File the nut, replace the tuners, a young priest and an old priest for an exorcism...  The demons wouldn't come out, no matter how hard we tried. Stubbornly refused A 440 as well. Also peed on the floor. The second experience came from my very own brother.  Fredo!

2015 Elmira Vintage Guitar Show

For the second year, I spent a Sunday morning at the Elmira Vintage Guitar Show.  Whenever I could, I pulled out a camera to capture a quick pic (before getting bowled over by the crowd).  Despite being a small town show, there's definitely enough to keep your attention for a few hours.  Pics after the jump.

Top 3 Guitars on a Budget ($200 or Less)

Repeat after me: Used instruments are better value.  Every time I hear someone has gone to a big chain and spent way too much money on a guitar that is worth way too little, I die a little on the inside. Unfortunately, I'm up against the marketing departments of all of the big companies (Fender, Epiphone, etc.) who want to sell newbies a $300 "Starter pack" with a terrible guitar, a terrible amp, terrible picks... You get the idea.   One stop shopping for the lazy if you ask me.  With no inherent resale value, too often "junior" is left with worthless gear that he/she can't sell to buy drugs or smokes or ballet slippers or whatever he or she is into (take the good with the bad parents).

Ripoffs - Upgrades and Packages

I doubt that Kijiji will ever run out of people trying to rip other people off. In fairness, I don't think many of these folks are actively trying to screw the next guy.  They just don't understand the value of what they have.  Knocking $20 off the new price isn't going to move your item, and while I suppose there's nothing saying that you can't waste your own time, I think we'd all be better off if folks understood value. These ones have left me shaking my head this week Blacktop Stratocaster (Upgraded) - $550 I have a Blacktop Stratocaster I've modified myself, and while mine is pretty much priceless, this is more than a bit silly.  The "upgrades" here are locking tuners and aftermarket knobs. Whoa there Nelly.  Slow down.  You're blowing my mind. $550 is absolutely insane for this guitar - and yet 24 hours later I can't find the listing.  Either I'm an idiot, or I'm severely underestimating the number of them out t...